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Join Us in Changing Lives

Hosanna Horse Haven provides equine assisted services to individuals and groups in need. Our goal is to help people overcome challenges and achieve their goals using the unique bond between humans and horses. By creating a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, we help to foster a sense of community and togetherness that is difficult to replicate in other environments. Come and be a part of something you can feel good about, and help us make a positive impact on our community!

Witnessing the Power of Equine Therapy

How a horse can impact your life

The Power of Horses feat. Jaycee Dugard | Seen Through Horses Campaign 2022

The Power of Horses feat. Jaycee Dugard | Seen Through Horses Campaign 2022

Healing doesn’t have to happen alone. Listen to stories of how horses have helped people through life and some of the most unthinkable traumas. Jaycee Dugard is truly an embodiment of strength and resilience. At just 11 years old, Jaycee was abducted while walking to the school bus and held captive for 18 years. After her rescue, Jaycee and her family found healing and connection through incorporating horses into mental health and trauma services. She immediately realized that horses should be for everybody which led to her founding The JAYC Foundation, an organization that seeks to establish protected spaces for individuals and families supporting their healing, growth, and resiliency while connecting with these magnificent animals. Connie shares her story of healing after her ex-husband took the life of her two children and then himself. Connie turned to healing through mental health services incorporating horses in conjunction with traditional grief counseling. Horses soon became integral to her daily life providing the opportunity for her to make some meaning out of the horrific and tragic loss of her children. She continues to stay connected to the horses and is volunteering regularly at the JAYC Foundation paying it forward. In this video, Jaycee and Connie talk about how horses helped them along their healing journey and why they believe others can benefit through similar programs and services. They are joined by psychologist Dr. Rebecca Bailey, founder of Polyvagal Equine Institute, who played an instrumental role in Jaycee’s and Connie’s healing journey. We are incredibly grateful for the support and collaboration from all those who shared their story and who are helping to bring awareness to the Seen Through Horses Campaign. Join us October 3 - 10, 2022 for the Seen Through Horses Campaign brought to you by @ZoetisInc and @ZoetisEquine by fundraising or donating to 50 of our nonprofit charity partners to ensure they can continue to provide these life-changing services to people most in need. #SeenThroughHorses #HorsesForMentalHealth @horsesformentalhealth @equinenetwork2638 @arenasforchange Visit to learn more. Special Thank You to the JAYC Foundation & Polyvagal Equine Institute. Thank you to: Infinity Rising Produced by Melissa Cannon Johnson Brad Johnson Directed by Brad Johnson Danny Drysdale
Horse and Rider

Volunteering at a barn that offers therapeutic horsemanship can be a fulfilling experience for various reasons. Volunteers not only get to work with horses but also assist individuals with disabilities in enhancing their physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities. Volunteering can also provide a sense of purpose and satisfaction, as well as opportunities to acquire new skills and establish meaningful connections with others in the community.

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Image of Yadah from Hosanna Horse Haven
ASPCA Support Hosanna Horse Haven

Hosanna Horse Haven Inc is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. 
All donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law. 
(EIN/Tax ID number: 81-3820838)

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© 2024 byHosanna Horse Haven


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